450 681-5123

The importance of regular dental checkups

Regular visits to the dentist are indispensable to preserve the health of our teeth and gums. We generally recommend scheduling an appointment every six months.

The routine checkup looks for the presence of tooth decay, dental plaque or tartar on the teeth. Dental plaque is a whitish deposit that adheres to the surface of the teeth. Mainly composed of bacteria, it hardens and is transformed into tartar if it is not eliminated in a timely manner. Unfortunately, at this stage, only a dental professional can solve the problem. If you neglect to do so, various problems threaten to appear sooner or later.

The second stage of the checkup is to examine the gums with an instrument to measure the space between the teeth and the gums. If this space is minimal, this means your gums are doing well. On the other hand, if the space is more pronounced, inflammation is present. Of course, this examination accounts for each patient’s special conditions (eating habits, smoking, saliva characteristics, diabetes, etc.). Oral cancer detection tests are also available.
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Clinique Dentaire Martin Bélanger
385 A Boulevard Cartier West
Laval-des-Rapides, Qc,   H7N 2K5

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450 681-5123