450 681-5123

Oral and dental hygiene in children under two years old

It is important to know that our dentition is formed completely at birth. The teeth are simply hidden under the gums, start to grow out at around six months and end their eruption at about three years of age. Of course, healthy dentition starts with healthy gums. This is why parents must follow certain oral and dental hygiene rules with their child.

From birth to six months, it is sufficient to rub your baby’s gums gently with a moist towel after each feeding. This will remove the sticky film (plaque), which damages the teeth. When the teeth start to grow out, you only have to clean them with a soft toothbrush. The amount of toothpaste must be limited to the size of a pea and you must ensure that your child expels everything after brushing.

The first visit to the dental ideally should take place before the child’s first birthday. Subsequent consultations must be held every 6 months.

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Clinique Dentaire Martin Bélanger
385 A Boulevard Cartier West
Laval-des-Rapides, Qc,   H7N 2K5

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450 681-5123